New, from Goop

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after a nap, I went to scratch my eye and felt what I presumed to be a clump of mascara on my eyelash. I didn't wear mascara today. It was a tick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 682
You deserved it 3 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where have you been sticking your head?

TurtleGenius 0

Pour gasoline on your eyelashes and set it on fire; that should help. FYL indeed.


loveyababe 0


beany212 0

AAAHHH!!! now you got me all paranoid from tick season! (i fall asleep with mascara on all the time)

**** your life??? **** mine for becoming paranoid immediately going to the bathroom to do a 15 min check for ticks. and now i keep feeling itches on random parts of my body.

that sucks...on the eye. but for the rest of u, having a tick is not the end of the world. i pulled off about 4 today, 2 were biting and 2 were just crawling on me. and u can just pull them off with ur fingers, then either burn them or get them on ur fingernail and squash their heads with another nail. and u cant get a disease from them if they just bite u. they have to be biting u for at least 24 hrs befor you will get a disease. and even if u do get it, just go to the doctors and get the medicine for it. if u dont, u could end up in a wheelchair.

wand3rlust 0

yikes... that's scary. I hope it didn't bite you.

i agree with number 3 just where have u been putting ur head?? also ticks *jump* fyi how could u not feel that thing on ur eyelid??? i think that its an fyl though :)

Weird stuff like that happens to me all the time and it's never pleasant. Fyl.