New, from Goop

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after a nap, I went to scratch my eye and felt what I presumed to be a clump of mascara on my eyelash. I didn't wear mascara today. It was a tick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 684
You deserved it 3 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where have you been sticking your head?

TurtleGenius 0

Pour gasoline on your eyelashes and set it on fire; that should help. FYL indeed.


This is going to give me nightmares forever

orangekoala_66 0

oh my gosh that seriously makes me want to throw up so bad and now i keep rubbing my eyes thingking there might be a tick or sumthing..thanks a lot! ewwwwwwyucky

#71, it ISN'T uncommon in some places. like #65 said, if you live in the country with woods around your house and dogs, tics will show up a lot (i would know, i used to live in maryland and my whole house was surrounded by woods, and we had 2 australian cattledogs).

hockeyfan_30 0

oh yuck. i hate ticks so much.

joemk2012 0
toddin 7

now I'm all paranoid about ticks dammit!

OMG that's totally disgusting but at least you didnt eat it

JoeTheBow 8