New sensation

By birchbeer - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned I'm claustrophobic by having a raging oh-god-I'm-gonna-fucking-die panic attack while I was stuck inside an MRI scanner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 923
You deserved it 2 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no. I'm glad you're okay, OP. Coming from a person with severe claustrophobia, i know how much that sucks. I really hope they pulled you out and made sure we're okay. As a side note, you were being scanned for a reason so I hope everything is all right. Please do a follow up and let us know how everything is. (:

lexiieeex3 32

Hopefully they pulled you out and you're safe now! I can't imagine how terrifying that must be. Good luck OP!


Steffi3 40

On the bright side: it wasnt entirely closed? Hope you MRI had some positive news!

I think most people hate being in an enclosed space, especially for an extended period of time. I know it's after the fact for you but for anyone having an MRI in the future, don't focus on it. Just think of how annoying the sound is. Or try to make a song out of it. Helped me get over the space thing but I'm not claustrophobic so idk might just be something that helped me.

True, coping mechanisms may help at least a little. but not for everyone and not by much. for claustrophobia in a scanner I'd say close your eyes, breathe as calmly as you can, have a song you enjoy playing in your head, or visualize a nice spacious area and that you're just laying down out there. turn the sounds into something else in your head, but don't open your eyes. if you have tried this before how did it go for you?

I had a panic attack whilst having a CT scan, I feel your pain.

I have an MRI scanner at work and have stood in when projects were being tested and never used to have any problems despite being claustrophobic in other situations. Last time I went in though it changed and I started feeling a bit trapped. Even though you can get out easily enough you are reliant on someone else to do that for you so it's even worse. Hope the OP managed to get the scan done somehow.

LostInTheZone11 29

I've had 3 MRIs and several CTs, and I am lucky they don't bug me. I find closing my eyes and counting the sounds like musical beats helps relax the body and keeps your mind occupied.

nattlecakes 19

F your life. Seriously. As someone who has an anxiety disorder I can relate. Those really bad panic attacks are always so brutal and can make you WANT to die just as relief. I hope you stayed still so you wouldn't have to go through that again, and I wish you luck with your anxiety.

I'm also claustrophobic :( I'm sorry u had that experience

It's common for that to happen in these things. I hope you're going to recover from that quickly. And don't let that incident take over and own you ... one panic attack doesn't make a phobia!!

My mom had a mri scan...she too thought she was going to die...thing is she's not claustrophobic...she said it's the loud banging and being in there that scared the living shit out of her