Nice guy

By LucklessNiceGuy - 05/12/2011 07:22 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job on account of "sexual harassment" toward female employees. The harassment? Jokingly offering them foot massages when they were complaining about how their feet ached after a long shift, and complimenting them about their appearance when they felt down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 650
You deserved it 45 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Ouch, I'm really sorry. ): People take things too far these days.

drawmesunshine 17

Perhaps the male employees felt left out. Maybe at your next job, you should compliment their looks and offer them foot rubs, too. Think of this as a learning experience.


You think you're a nice guy, everyone else thinks you're a creep.

don't offer people foot rubs or that will make me a saaad panda "sexual harassment panda"

Not acceptable behavior in the workplace, YDI.

shrdlu 28

I got fired for something vaguely similar once, but that was many years ago before I learned proper workplace conduct

shrdlu 28

BTW the founder of that company had done prison time for fraud, but somehow that was acceptable.

Dude that's bollocks I would have given your boss a better reason to fire you after you had broken a mop handle off in his ass

You get in trouble for being bad. Now it's the other way around. You just can't live in this ******* world without being the nerdy loner. Even then you still can't win.

GoArmy6624 7

Everything is sexual harassment these days. You can't even say hello without someone screaming rape. You need to YouTube: dethklok sexual harassment video

fartgun 3

Next time, be more straightforward and just offer them oral sex. Make the sexual harassment count.

You sound creepy to me glad they got rid of u