Nice place you've got here

By Anonymous - 27/07/2009 05:51 - United States

Today, my neighbors were busted for a meth lab in their garage. Yesterday, I signed the mortgage. Welcome to our new neighborhood, kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 096
You deserved it 3 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

superdudeman 0

Just because there is one meth lab in the neighborhood doesn't mean the entire neighborhood is full of druggies. You'd be surprised to know how many nice neighborhoods have drug houses in them that no one knew about. At least the police are on top of it.

Damn. That would have been one interesting "welcome" gift from your neighbour. ;-)


ASpocksky 0

You don't have to worry about them being there if they already got arrested.

YDI- the suburbs are more prone to drug labs then the city. But like everyone said, at least they were busted.

Get your house thoroughly checked for contamination.

winemysavior 4

not a FML there are drugs everywhere. you're lucky your neighbors got arrested and who knows maybe it was just them. in my pretty sure its on every block.

foryoublue94 0

This isn't an FML. Honestly, whats so wrong with drugs?

It's pretty obvious whats wrong with drugs when they're illegal and potentially very, very dangerous. Especially people under the influence of drugs such as meth can be unpredictable, violent. Not that weed is legal, but there are varying degrees of what can be wrong with drugs and meth is pretty much the worst of the bunch. Though I agree it isn't an FML for other reasons.

Don't worry, i live in next to a meth maker too. and i have a little sister and other siblings. and #66, they are kind of ILLEGAL and yes that is an FML

So? They were busted, shouldn't that make you happy?

I live next to a meth lab too, cept it's long abandoned. still has stuff in it though. ingredients and crap.

I know of some really reputable areas in my city where meth-labs have exploded or been discovered. They pop up *everywhere*. It doesn't necessarily mean your neighborhood is bad or unsafe, or that property prices will "plummet" as someone said. That is in fact far from the truth of the matter.