Nice to put a face to the screaming!

By dormlyfe - 24/09/2015 02:23 - United States - Moraga

Today, I met new people at my dorm, only to find they already knew me because they listen to my boyfriend and me have sex all the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 036
You deserved it 22 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP: Hi I'm Jane X: Jane who? OP: *moans* X: Ohhh, that Jane..

I hope they aren't actively listening but rather overhear. The former could make things even more uncomfortable


When you're in a dorm, or anywhere that shares thin walls, keep it down. Other people don't want to hear it. Loud noises are for when you're completely alone! Learn to do little moans and groans.

Gonna have to go with YDI. I mean, it's really not that big a deal. Students have sex in dorms all the time. But if you actually expected no one would be able to hear you in a building literally crammed with students, often with cheap thin walls where another person's bed may be just on the other side of said wall, or (even worse) if you had sex while people were in other rooms of the apartment but you thought you were being "quiet" enough...I mean come on. It's just common sense. Unless you've managed the art of keeping your voice down and minimal bed creaking, chances are someone's gonna overhear you. The FML made me laugh though. I'm sure you'll all be able to get around it eventually, even if it is a bit embarrassing at first :3

now that they know you they won't mind hearing you

there's one good thing about this, at least the walls aren't see through and it wasn't public sex even though that can be very fun.

Laugh it off and enjoy. Gotta love dorm life.

That sucks, but you're not going to try to be quiet every time. You might as well embrace the attention and enjoy yourself.

You could just smile and say it wasn't me, you heard, he wanted to try pegging. Then ask them, if they think you did a good job.

"You're Mona from 301!" "Actually my name isn't... " "OH no no. I meant moaner from 301"