Nope out of there

By twintowers - 04/07/2009 20:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having phone sex. It got very wild and soon was interrupted by a knock on my door. My dad had come home early from work, and heard the whole thing. He demanded my boyfriend to come over, and he had a sex talk with him on the couch in front of the whole family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 412
You deserved it 23 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when you start pushing the pound key over and over


strawberryswirl 0

Anyone who still lives with their parents deserves whatever they get when they drink, do drugs, or do anything sexual at home. Moron teenagers.

CynicComedian 2

Never understood phone sex either. YDI for lack of situational awareness.

Pro phone sex tips: #1: Don't do it on a phone where someone can listen in. #2: Don't do it in a room where someone can listen in. #3: Don't do it in your parent's house.

thatgirl21 0

woah that's awkawrd. FYL. YDI, for using a house phone -.-

Laurennn417_fml 0

next time sext instead or use aim

Let me point out what no one else has. Regardless of everyone's opinions on phone sex (I happen to love it), the father demanded the boy came over to his house. Why would the guy actually come over just to get berated? That's the stupidest part of this fml.

ok I got it if you guys live in other city/country really far far away from each other but otherwise FYL!!!