Nope out of there

By twintowers - 04/07/2009 20:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having phone sex. It got very wild and soon was interrupted by a knock on my door. My dad had come home early from work, and heard the whole thing. He demanded my boyfriend to come over, and he had a sex talk with him on the couch in front of the whole family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 412
You deserved it 23 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when you start pushing the pound key over and over


onionboy 0

He should have had the "phone sex talk" and said,"That shit is dumb, don't ever call my house again pussy! Either bang her or don't, but don't talk-**** my phone."

dabeachbum 0

hahahahahaahahahhahahaahah. wooooow.. lolol at least ur bf actually came over! that like proves that hes committed thats the good part the rest sucks....but its funny. haha =]

You deserved it. Seriously, phone sex? just go over there. then if you would have gotten caught they at least wouldn't thing your weird.

honestly? phone sex. that's pathetic. just do it.

At least this is better than having the real intercourse. Your dad probably shouldn't have done that. >.>

thats the exact same thing my dad would do.... little tip... if you have phone sex either do it over text or if you wanna actually talk on the phone, make sure NO ONE IS AROUND. or do it when your home alone & if your not... dont do it.

Don't have phone sex or you'll get hearing aids