Nope out of there

By twintowers - 04/07/2009 20:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having phone sex. It got very wild and soon was interrupted by a knock on my door. My dad had come home early from work, and heard the whole thing. He demanded my boyfriend to come over, and he had a sex talk with him on the couch in front of the whole family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 412
You deserved it 23 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when you start pushing the pound key over and over


rockitout 0

I think the FML is for when your dad caught you. So I must say YDI, if you don't want to get caught, don't do it.

Yeah I never got it either.. Tried, but I'm probably just too awkward.

You know what would have been funny? If your Dad started talking on the phone while you guys were.

Hahaaa that would've been awesome. Boy "Oh yeah that's good." Girl "I wish you were hear to do this for me baby" Dad "Not going to happen." Boy "WHa---oohh aaaaah---[Continuous orgasmic noises]" Girl "Oh my god."

Bradness 0

Phone Sex is so lame. What is the point? It's like a tease. And it got wild? Wow, I would like to hear how that happened...haha. Dumb.

YDI for not hearing your dad come home. Anyone in their right mind would be careful.

FreshAsCrap 0

YDI for having phone sex like a freak.

Brooklynxman 0

People in long distance relationships have phone sex thats who because they CANT have real sex. However, this person wasn't in a long distance relationship, so YDI a little bit.