Not a laughing matter

By Anonymous - 26/02/2014 09:31 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, on Facebook, someone wrote a status implying that she was going to kill herself. I called a mutual friend, asking to check up on her. The next status the girl puts up said, "Someone thought I was going to commit suicide! Haha what a loser!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 232
You deserved it 4 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Authoress14 15

So you're still friends with her why?


showmeyourears 19

Sounds like my sister. She told her ex that she slit her wrists because he wouldn't spend the night with her, then when the police/ambulance came, they found her sitting in bed playing on her iPad.

amberv61 22

I had an ex do that. He said he had a shot gun to his mouth and was gonna pull the trigger. I told his mom and she found him sitting on his computer talking to another girl that he claims "saved him from doing it"

A shotgun? to his mouth? The contortion he'd have to pull to manage that.........

amberv61 22

I was 16 at the time so it didn't occur to me how unlikely it would be for it to be possible. Now though I can see clearly that he just wanted the attention and was hardcore crazy. Very happy he is an ex

lifestory2 5

I wonder what the status said...

You did the right thing. Never stop being a good friend. One day your actions will probably help someone and you may not even know it.

sweetestbitcheva 14

She sounds like a bitch. She's not thankful someone was

justagirl1998 10

I hate people who threaten to kill themselves just for fun or attention. Suicide is a serious issue and idiots like her make it seem like a joke. It's also disrespectful for people who have had attempted suicide, as well as for people who lost someone because of it. Sorry for the rant, it hits close to home and it just makes me angry.

You acted the right way. That really sucked!!!

why are you friend with that person? she is an asshole