Not a laughing matter

By Anonymous - 26/02/2014 09:31 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, on Facebook, someone wrote a status implying that she was going to kill herself. I called a mutual friend, asking to check up on her. The next status the girl puts up said, "Someone thought I was going to commit suicide! Haha what a loser!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 230
You deserved it 4 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Authoress14 15

So you're still friends with her why?


I did the same on the days of IRC with a friend of mine, lucky the Canadian police got to him after our call when he was standing on the edge ready to jump. He's still alive today and in a better place. We called from Europe, we both knew what was going to happen. You did right, you have my respect. Regards

an3ph 20

That shit ain't funny. You did the right thing, OP, and your friend is an ass.

Kind of reminds me when a 13 year old told me if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Which is funny because I wasn't being mean. I told her to practice what she preaches, then she told me that she can say whatever she wants. And she started cussing me out! XD

You did the right thing no matter what

toxicfishwaffle 3

******* bitch. If she ever tries to pull that shit again call 911 and teach her a lesson about making light of a serious problem.

first rule of facebook: most people just want attention

Are you sure you just didn't read it wrong? Why did you call a mutual friend and not call her yourself? These people get all uppity and only get half the story. Unless said some to extent of "Gun to my head thinking about pulling the trigger" she was probably using a metaphor.

Damn op. That'll teach you for being such a caring person.

10showgirl 16

She needs a life. I get on facebook about once every two weeks. If you're upset or have a problem and the first thing you think to do is put it on facebook, then you definitely have a problem.