Not a laughing matter

By Anonymous - 26/02/2014 09:31 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, on Facebook, someone wrote a status implying that she was going to kill herself. I called a mutual friend, asking to check up on her. The next status the girl puts up said, "Someone thought I was going to commit suicide! Haha what a loser!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 230
You deserved it 4 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Authoress14 15

So you're still friends with her why?


Wow that really sucks did u make a comment abt how stupid she is to left a status to catch ppls attention!

At least you cared enough to have someone check on her

that girls such a loser. I've lost people to suicide and I'd love to have a little talk with her cuz that's nothing to joke about

People putting up whiney and sad statuses, then wondering why others get worried about them. Morons, morons everywhere. FYL, OP, you seem like a nice person to care

tehdarkness 21

Shoulda let her... Jk jk you did the right thing.

You definitely did the right thing. Suicide is a serious matter and joking about it is wrong.

Don't worry about it, OP. You're an amazing person, and the world is a better place with you in it. There aren't a lot of people who would care enough to do what you did, and even if this one kid isn't grateful for it, someone else may one day be. Keep doing what you're doing and bless your ******' heart, man.