Not a morning person

By crazybitch - 18/06/2012 04:57 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, I learned that when my girlfriend told me that she's a different person without coffee and smokes in the morning, she wasn't kidding; after I'd asked her how she'd slept, she bitched me out for "mocking her" and hurled a hairdryer at my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 010
You deserved it 4 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

catanita 18

So, morning sex is out of the question.

Well, loads of people can't go without their regular caffeine intake in the morning. I know my hands start trembling if I don't have my hot brew in the morning. It's really bad though.


Well, she gave you a warning. But she's still crazy. Hey, maybe she got her period too..... Makes even the craziest bitches crazier.

user324234324 1

I didn't know those two went together. Although there is a Jimmy Eat World song called 'Coffee and Cigarettes'.

Coffee + cigarettes = Your dentist hates you.

AliceLockehart 18

They go amazingly well together, in my opinion.

I guess that means she didn't sleep well. Maybe you snore horrendously or are a kicker hence she thought you were mocking her.

Sounds like most people on Monday morning. God I hate Monday mornings. *hurls toaster across room* Or is it just me?

Trisha_aus 15

Hate Mondays too, especially a Monday morning exam!

RedPillSucks 31

That's like me when I don't have my Cap'n Crunch. *hurls bowl at wall* STOP LOOKING AT ME

I think she may have an addiction going on where if she doesn't get her fix her body goes into withdrawls making her grouchy and sensitive. That or she's just not a morning person. That's a bit scary OP.

Yes, withdrawals will happen if you don't feed an addiction. And wouldn't you know it, those are some of the symptoms of withdrawal!

likeAwesome 3

How is asking about ones sleep bitching someone out? Sorry for you OP

That's how my boyfriend is without caffeine from Dr. Pepper or energy drinks.

xStaciexLynnx 15

Energy drinks are absolutely terrible for your body, especially your heart. Nobody should need that much artificial energy.

I know, he seems the same on them to me. I'm working on getting him to stop.

Personally, if I didn't have coffee or a cig in the morning I'd throw a rager and tear the time-space continuum at the seams. I understand her plight, the combo can be quite addicting.

RedPillSucks 31

I thought a rager was like a boner? (raging boner?)

Or a raging party, or a fit of rage. Many uses for the word rager. If all three happen at once it's called a 'raging rager.' Is it just me or did anyone else read this, and the word 'rage' seems like an odd word...rage.