Not funny, son

By Embarassed - 15/03/2011 19:29 - United States

Today, while at a school anti-drugs assembly, the speaker asked everyone to stand up if they knew someone who had died of an overdose. As I stood up, my friend hit me in the side, making me laugh. I stood frozen under accusing glares while the speaker bitched me out for a good 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 440
You deserved it 12 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a bit of a fail there, also your friend's an ass.

I think your friend is the one who overdosed


denvan 0

Next time hav an air horn with you blare it at your friend.

Miss_Jazzalyn 4

That wasn't very nice of OP's friend to do that. There's nothing wrong with being stupid - which he/she may have been doing - but it wasn't the right time.

because it's your name... every1"LOVES"boners.. how do you of all people miss that

am I the only one baffled by laughing after being hit in the side? how was a friend doing that funny at all?

uranidot 0

No, fuckass, you're not alone. You are in great (disgustingly non-empathetic) company. Asshole.

Haha, retard, you just bitched out uranidot for not spelling idiot right, yet, you can't even spell "Breathe"! Not to mention uranidiot is already taken, ever try to stop and think before you go completely apeshit? Hahahaha, fail retard is fail.

uranidot 0

Why would someone ask a question that's been answered over and over and over and over again in the very comment thread that their asking it in, unless they are either A) a ******* moron, or B) a douchebag?

That's not true. It can just be something that happens automatically without any real thought to it. I tend to squeak quite loudly when I get jabbed/poked/hit in the side. It's not because it's something I want to do but because it just happens before I have a chance to stop myself. When the OP says they laughed, they could mean that it was more of a short "Ha ha" type response, which came out before they could stop themselves.

sounds like someone needs less dooshy friends

She is saying that she too loves boners...that's why I guess......... Hooray for boners!!!_

peke20 0

haha i know how you felt. i laugh really eassy too and it suks. you know why? because i was laughing at my aunts funeral. i didnt mean to laugh bt i get laughing attacks.