Not funny, son

By Embarassed - 15/03/2011 19:29 - United States

Today, while at a school anti-drugs assembly, the speaker asked everyone to stand up if they knew someone who had died of an overdose. As I stood up, my friend hit me in the side, making me laugh. I stood frozen under accusing glares while the speaker bitched me out for a good 5 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 440
You deserved it 12 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a bit of a fail there, also your friend's an ass.

I think your friend is the one who overdosed


Punkpoptart1119 20

You should've punched your friend in the face and then told the speaker that your douche of a friend decided to hit you.

You have great friends! One thinks its funny to punch you during a drugs talk and the other took too many drugs... Try find some better ones...

How is your friend hitting you in the side even remotely funny? YDI for being immature

dinogorawr69 7

That really sucks for you ydi for laughing when u got hit

Get reveng on your friend Knock him/her out take there cloths put them on the other side of town and make him/her walk home naked screaming "that's for making me laugh at the essembly...ASS!"

nice friend you have there. lose him/her and get some real friends that won't do that to you

You should have returned the glares and had a debate with the speaker. If you're going to look like an ass, you might as well take it overboard...fyl

that sucks I tried to overdose on ibuprofen when I was 13 and seeing my family so hurt was horrifying fyl

Well screw them, they shouldn't publicly humiliate you in front of an audience like that since it will have the complete opposite effect and might make you turn to drugs. FYL and bitchy speaker