Not good enough

By Ophelia - 08/06/2016 04:05 - United States - Hudson

Today, a realtor came to take a look at my house. I had worked all morning to make it look lovely. When they took pictures, I explained a number of ways I could change things so everything would look as good as possible. After the house tour, they told me it should be bulldozed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 1 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

Time to find a new realtor and get a second opinion. Maybe you just need someone who is actually willing to help you find ways to sell your house, not someone who isn't willing to work with you and make it better. That's assuming that your house actually isn't something that needs to be bulldozed with a little work.

You can't polish turd, no matter how hard you try


Seriously look for another realtor. We had one who wanted to sell our house for a very low amount, 'just to get it to sell', they said. Just because one house in the whole area was being foreclosed on, and we suspected she just didn't want to do the work for the 'small' house. You value your house, they should, too.

Fun fact: you don't need a real estate agent for anything. They do nothing that you cannot do yourself with a few telephone calls and *maybe* a couple hours with an attorney. Save their 3.5-7% commission and do the research yourself. List it online and show it yourself.

The phrase "lipstick on a pig" comes to mind.

Real estate agents, sadly, rarely ever know much about houses. They want it to sell, sell quick and sell priced to line their pockets. You occasionally get a good one who just loves houses or wants to help people find their dream home but they're a needle in a haystack. If you're proud of your home, I'm sure it's just lovely because of the love you put in it. Find a new agent and if they ask why, tell them flat out. They'll see their loose tongue lost them a commission.

during the housing bubble here in South Florida a lot of very nice homes were bulldozed to be replaced by multimillion-dollar homes

Oh come on. unless you're living in a hovel I can't imagine a realtor saying that.