Not in front of Him

By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't kiss me because there was a picture of Superman on my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 291
You deserved it 10 354

Top comments

rhidiculous 4

Maybe he was implying for you to take your shirt off ;)


VeeVengeance 0

Well it's because there was a "super," man on the shirt compared to your low life boyfriend.

IWarnedYou 0
bpell15 5

your pic is awesome. I nearly pissed myself laughing

your profile pic is pretty gross. who actually makes a used pad a costume?

VeeVengeance 0

Unm wow my iPod is retarded , what I meant to say was ... Her profile pic if amazing and hilarious , you people need a sense of humor.

haha he's dumb and not a very good bf if u have to meet his needs

dudeitsdanny 9

Yeah, only men have to meet the needs of their girlfriends/wives. Why should women do anything for us? Shame on anyone who's ever suggested it! :facepalm: It's a stupid reason, but your comment makes you look a bit dumb.

dudeitsdanny 9

I'd have sexed you right there and then ;P Superman kicks ass. Tell your boyfriend it's not gay, if he says "no ****" between kisses, except in reality people saying "no ****" make me question their sexuality more than I would otherwise You can also try telling him to suck it up, it's just a shirt. Is it because he hates Superman or what? Weird kid.

dudeitsdanny 9

Can I ask what I said to get moderated? Cause I really have no clue this time.

jackiemoonthepro 5

sexed? I didn't know that was a word. woah, I learn everything from the Internet!

Wouldn't want to catch the gay, now, would we? Ugh.

that would just turn me on.. guess your boyfriend is kinda lame

daltyboy 0

thts ****** up it shouldn't matter wats on the damn shit I'm sry OP u deserve better

Looks like your boyfriend isn't *takes sunglasses off* super...

i think its puts them on, but what do i know

Looks like *slaps 27 in the face* that joke went old like 5 months ago. Move on.

Looks like it's *takes off sunglasses* somebody's time of the month!

#83 I would actually like proof of this accusation. Otherwise, I'd assume you're lying for no reason. :) A link to the website or news article should be good enough for me to believe you.