By Fireguy92 - 01/02/2013 04:39 - United States - Dewitt

Today, as a firefighter, we were called to assist the ambulance crew with lifting a deceased patient out of a house. Little did I know, he had been dead inside for 3 weeks, and was bloated and popped like a water balloon when we attempted to move him. My girlfriend made soup for the evening meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 546
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

californiapoppy 11

Hopefully it wasn't a red colored soup! Thank you for your work saving lives!


I still don't get how it pops like a water balloon. Doesn't it just decompose?

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Gasses build up inside the body after death. I can't imagine it popping but yeah, I had a Forensic Science class back in the day.

The gases cause the body to swell up and the heat in the house causes the internal contents to liquefy. Then, when you handle the body, it ruptures the skin membrane and pops. It's unfortunately far from uncommon in emergency services to have to deal with this type of thing. That's why you have showers at the fire station and a spare uniform at all times.

I guess technically it's a part of decomposition. When a person dies, the bacteria take over and start building gases that makes a body swell and bloat. It's not a sudden thing. It generally takes a week or two for it to happen. Then with all the pressure that builds up, the body finally "pops" and releases all the gas. And sadly, sometimes other things get released too (innards and "coffin birth" in extreme cases).

shrdlu 28

William the Conqueror "exploded" like that when they tried to close the coffin at his funeral. The funeral service suddenly became one of the shorted and least-attended of its era. This is true.

AliceLockehart 18

When my science teacher was in uni he was out driving with a bunch of other dudes from his class, & they found this dead cow on the side of the road. I'm not sure how long it was there for but it was all bloated with the gases that build up as your internal organs decompose (methane, I believe, but I could be wrong). One of them decided it was a good idea to jump on it like a trampoline & it was like 1 bounce.. 2 bounces.. Knee deep in dead cow organs.

If he's been dead for three weeks...isn't it a little late for an ambulance ?

BlackBlazeCobra 16

They need to transport it somehow.

That's what a medical examiner or funeral home does.

It depends on where you are. In some areas, a private ambulance service may be contracted for body removal. And even when that isn't the case, the body removal agency often sends just one person, which is fine for an average body, but difficult when the body is a sac of fluid. As a firefighter, I have often been asked to help the medical examiner's staff move long-deceased corpses.

What do you expect them to do? Call for a taxi?

They did. They called an ambulance. It's a taxi with a bed in it.

The_sGTw_0979 4

This FML made for an interesting mental image. :L Thank you for sharing

I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me 'cause I'm dead & bloated **Did your girlfriend get a brand new blender that makes soup too? (:

I gotta stop reading FML while eating my breakfast...

Ur a fireman! U smell burned flesh and cut mangled bodies out of cars. How is this any different? It smells just the same as a fresh body. Man up rookie or get out of the business. Been there done that and I ate my soup cuz I was hungry

I'm pretty sure a body that has been decomposing for three weeks smells MUCH worse than a fresh one.

squideth 18

43 oh we're all real ****** impressed. Sit down and shut up, I'm seriously so sick of all you self-proclaimed bad-asses going all "man up lollll" like you're so much better than OP.

A long-dead body does not smell the same as a fresh one. If you'd really "been there done that" you'd know that.

cheers fellow firefighter for the best damn job in the world :)

do you happen to live in hawaii? because my mom works as an EMT and had the same experience of a dead person that has been dead for 3+ weeks

This is fake or OP is lying . Ambulance crewmen do not carry dead bodies out. The morgue or coroner does. No point to transport a clinically dead person to hospital :/