By Fireguy92 - 01/02/2013 04:39 - United States - Dewitt

Today, as a firefighter, we were called to assist the ambulance crew with lifting a deceased patient out of a house. Little did I know, he had been dead inside for 3 weeks, and was bloated and popped like a water balloon when we attempted to move him. My girlfriend made soup for the evening meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 546
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

californiapoppy 11

Hopefully it wasn't a red colored soup! Thank you for your work saving lives!


perdix 29

Considering what your likely victim would be like, I'm sure your girlfriend never serves you overcooked meat.

I hear ya brother I also work fire rescue so I understand where you're coming from decomp and burnt flesh are by far the worst smells in the world

I don't think it's an FYL or YDI. She had no idea what you were going to go through during the day, she was just trying to be nice and have dinner ready when you got home. Just because the events of the day turned you away from what was made, it was still a nice gesture and deserves thanks. Because, honestly, how many times do you deal with something to that extent?

Ins0mau 20

I don't see O.P BLAMING his girlfriend for cooking the soup. But certainly wouldn't be nice to see after that. FHS for sure!

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

#77- Clean up that dirty mouth feeling with "morbid" gum.

I recover bodies underwater. Same problems-have to put them in mesh bags as they come apart.

I always considered the sex appeal of a pair of legs in fishnets way overrated... I guess I now have to specify - even while still attached to the body!

RoroRoxyRoo 2

this reminds me of the episode of bones when a lady gets wrapped in cellophane and her body turns into liquid.

perdix 29
joethebiden 8

Awww, goddamn it, I was eating breakfast here.

Obey_StudBoii 23

I just woke up and here Iam now reading this. Thanks for the vivid image, I have a really queasy stomach.