Occam's razor

By anonymous - 12/02/2011 05:48 - Canada

Today, I woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water. Groggy and disoriented, I bumped into several pieces of furniture and made a lot of noise. My dad woke up, mistook me for a burglar, and knocked me out with his fist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 819
You deserved it 4 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PSQ91 6

At least you know your home is safe.

Thank your lucky stars you're not from Texas, darling. He would have shot you.


fthku 13

Yes, who does his daddy belong to?

Well maybe if you thought of others instead of just yourself, you might have turned on a light and made less noise. Your dad had a legitimate reason for knocking your stupid ass out. Next time turn on a light and use caution. YDI.

fthku 13

Abusive parent in the making, everyone.

Wouldn't turning on light be inconsiderate too? My parents always wake up if I turn on the light to go to the bathroom, so I just feel my way through the dark. Sudden light is worse than sudden noise, IMO.

zowieandzander77 1

39 do you and your parents share a room?

Light tells me I can see who it is and I don't need to greet them with the 12 gauge. Unless you share a room with the parents you should be good. Go around bumping things in the dark will get you shot or knocked on your ass.

fthku 13

Yeah, cause sinks are in bedrooms right? what the hell does being in the same bedroom have to do with it? The way my house is built, for example, is so that if someone lights up the livingroomkitchen I can see it in my bedroom. So you'll just shoot anybody if it's dark and you can hear someone? Too bad for your family.

It's a good thing your Dad didn't have a gun in the house.

Word for word what I was about to type, zeb.

skyeyez9 24

If you know your house well, you realize where furniture, stairs and the corners of coffee tables are so you can avoid that shit even if you are super tired. You sound like a bull in a china cabinet crashing around your house at night. No wonder your dad mistook you for an intruder!

At least he didn't knock you out with his dick