Oh no…

By probably_the_ex_now - 18/08/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend introduced me to his family. They were drinking and having fun, so I joined in. I had one too many, got really goofy, and then suggested the farting game. "Sorry, I can't hold my liquor!" I quickly explained. My boyfriend's mom shot me a cold look and said, "It's non-alcoholic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 962
You deserved it 97 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for being an idiot even whilst not intoxicated.

this further proves my theory that usually being "drunk" is all in your head.


morgan020 0

your probably not old enough to drink anyways or you'd know it was a non alcholic drink or your just a dork trying to fit in and it backfired on you. is he still your boyfriend?

one time I tricked my sister into taking the anti seizure med she needs but hates it by telling her it was excstacy at one point she started freAking out so bad cuz she thought she was high

ClickClickCamera 0
Outlawsfan 0

wouldn't you notice and nobody else was acting drunk??? you're dumb, learn to be responsible and at least fake like you're a smart person they would want their son dating....you deserved it SO much

icheer 0

ydi for one.. allowing yourself to have "one too many" especially when you should be trying to impess your bf's family since it was your first time meeting them.. i mean first impressions are crucial and not knowing when to quit and letting yourself go overboard would not exactly put you as the best girl for their son to be dating.. and two because you werent smart enough to realise that there was no alcohal.. and three to get "drunk" on nothing..

placebo affect lOl so this is deff not a ydi. your mind can do some wild things like make you feel drunk when your not, quit smoking when there was a dependence for decades, make pain go away, cause you to believe your sick when you arent (as in hypochondracs, its a real mental problem no matter what hollywood says) but im sure you get what im sayingg so dont feel bad about that. and for real mind tricks i give you an fyl. but alcohol has a very distinctive taste no matter if its a small percentage so for that i give you a ydi

triplethreat13 0

if it was a drink that the OP had never tried before, she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between alcoholic and non-alcoholic. i will join the few intelligent people on here in mentioning that if a person is under the impression that they've had too much alcohol, they will often feel like they've had too much alcohol (minus the hangover in the morning). they will definitely act drunk without trying to. that is the case in this situation, therefore it's not a YDI

You are a fu*king moron. At MOST, she would have too much sugar and slipped into a diabetic coma. If you can't tell if a drink has alcohol, then you have never had alcohol. You will probably turn into a **** or whoremonger the first time you have a daiquiri.

gingermonster16 0

At that point, you should have made it seem like you were kidding about having alcohol in there. It would still be embarrassing, but at least you wouldn't look pathetic...

You're a dumbfuck. It's people like you that makes me want to strangle another human being.

PieGuy 0

your mind played tricks on u :D