Oh no…

By probably_the_ex_now - 18/08/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend introduced me to his family. They were drinking and having fun, so I joined in. I had one too many, got really goofy, and then suggested the farting game. "Sorry, I can't hold my liquor!" I quickly explained. My boyfriend's mom shot me a cold look and said, "It's non-alcoholic." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 962
You deserved it 97 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for being an idiot even whilst not intoxicated.

this further proves my theory that usually being "drunk" is all in your head.


YDI dumbass, for being one of those idiot people who pretend to be drunk.

Maybe she was drinking a non-alcoholic beer, which does have alcohol in it. Like

(cont. since it doesn't like less than signs for some reason) less than 0.5% ABV.

ydi for suggesting the farting game.... wtf??!

turboawesome88 0

I never understood why people pretend to be drunk. If you are, you are.

Just wondering: What does the placebo effect have to do with whether she deserved it? She still got much too "drunk" for her first social with her boyfriend's parents and acted stupid, then attempted to lift the blame off her shoulders, when it's only her fault, placebo or not.

LOL you're such a ******* piss bag for not knowing what reall alcohol tastes like in beer

YDI for thinking your drunk on N/A beer/wine/whatever. Then "fart game" WTF with his parents? At least be memorable and funny. I remember doing something to annoy a girlfriend and she started to chase me, as I rounded the corner I cut one. It happened and she stopped cold asking what was that? I replied "turbo-boost!" Her whole family burst out laughing and it became part of their vocabulary when someone would let loose accidently.