Oh the times, they are a-changin'

By toelie - 06/11/2017 22:00

Today, as two of my students walked into my classroom, I said, "Hi, ladies". One of them screamed at me: "Did you just assume my gender?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 123
You deserved it 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Absolutely. Please feel free to politely correct me. It certainly looks better for you than if you were so disrespectful as to yell at me."

The comments are getting a little out of hand so I'm stepping in! Whether or not you like it, many people now see a difference between sex (anatomical) and gender (social). If you feel compelled to comment on the issue, please be kind to each other. Thanks!


For those who don’t believe this is happening maybe have a look at this crazy page http://gender.wikia.com/wiki/Gender_Wiki

Let me fix this "little" issue. No, tumblr does not have a medical degree in genetics so you con't have a fact deprived from a blog site. No, you are as transexual as I am an attack helicopter. And NO your gender can't be undetermined because IT WAS GIVEN TO YOU AT BIRTH.

funny thing is literally no trans person is like this so they were obviously joking

The comments are getting a little out of hand so I'm stepping in! Whether or not you like it, many people now see a difference between sex (anatomical) and gender (social). If you feel compelled to comment on the issue, please be kind to each other. Thanks!

So, is this "stepping in" going to include doing anything with the profanity-laden diatribes calling people mentally ill (among much less savory words I'd ironically probably be banned for repeating), or is it going to be limited to stating "a difference in opinion exists, be nice"?

Actually, Levvy, if you look around you'll see that many comments were moderated, which means that warnings and bans were sent out as well. I made that statement because it seemed to me that a lot of the arguing had to do with a lack of understanding. Going forward, if you see something that you think violates our rules, please report it!

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

Ydi for talking to people. They’re the worst.