
By Anonymous - 14/12/2011 23:12 - United States

Today, I was giving my boyfriend a blow job. I thought it was going great and I was doing a good job, until he told me to "stop chomping on it like it's a hot dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 654
You deserved it 29 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justlikeme79 9

Yow. I'm a girl, but that makes ME hurt.

ThatLooksSticky 16

Considering how small tootsie rolls are, that might not be something to brag about.


Nothing wrong with being blonde #69. Kindly and quietly go **** yourself, you ignorent twat.

i8cake 12

Try to say Honolulu instead of Kamchatka while you have his junk in your mouth!

Notime4bull 4

******** are supposed to be a guy's gifts from heaven... Not a nightmarish event where our junk is in a cheese grater. If you don't know how to do it then please just remember this: No. Teeth. Ever.

True ignorance is when you can't spell ignorant...

Marcella1016 31

Pretty sure #1 meant tootsie roll pop. Makes a bit more sense. By the way, thanks, now the song is in my head lol

Tell him that you're sorry, but you really "relish" the taste of his ****................. See what I did there...

Nah, bro, totally missed that one. :p |the kid|

Don't you mean "tootsie pop?" That's what has the special center for you to bite, duh.