Overreaction much?

By Anonymous - 04/10/2014 15:17 - Denmark

Today, my allergies flared up and I started sneezing. I guess my girlfriend was having a bad day, because she lost her shit and started telling me how annoying I am and how I can never do anything right. I'm not sure if we're still a couple, because she stormed out and won't answer my calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 019
You deserved it 3 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You think it's funny you mistreat your boyfriend over nothing? That's screwed up.


Did you live together because if you do your bound to find out sooner or later

Regardless of her day or what stress she may have been under, she shouldn't have treated you that way. It sounds like you'd be better off without her. :/

Sorry, but your girlfriend sounds like an incredibly unpleasant person.

Considering that level of unreasonable outburst. It's probably for the best that you not be.

upallnight11 19

Maybe because you head butted her when she tried to kiss you, OP.

Just wait...she'll hopefully come back around

People in the comments saying give her some space, switch roles around and they'll be saying: "It gets worse." "Leave his ass!" "You deserve better..."

shellyluv 23
shellyluv 23

Give her time to cool down. Bad days happen.

RedPillSucks 31

Good riddance. If she has so many things she thinks is wrong with you, why was she still with you. Find someone who will appreciate you