
By anonymous - 02/06/2013 05:20 - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, I accidentally hit someone's car while in the supermarket car park. I left a note, went shopping, and when I came back my windows were shattered, my tires were slashed, and "FUCK YOU" was written on my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 727
You deserved it 15 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenamartinovic 13

That is terrible! If I were you, I'd call the police. That's what you get for being ethical. );

I really hope you managed to keep a record of their number plate OP, that really really sucks and you do not deserve it at all :-(


how did they even know that it was your car? FYL

...So you must have left your license plate number since they knew which car hit them...Did you happen to get theirs?

Am I the only one sitting here thinking that if the OP was a better driver and didn't hit a PARKED car, none of this would have happened?

Aww but u were being so nice 2 them :(

Unfortunately, the best thing to have done is to have called the police when you hit the car too, just so there was public record of the whole first transgression. Afterwards, you could sue for the second transgression. Sad state of affairs and I hoe the best for you.

CSRozell 4

learn how to drive how do you hit a parked car?

Go straight to the cops with this one.

Ok so you do the right thing so they know who you are for insurance reasons then they do that!?!? Lol then they should fix the damage to both cars!

Wow! Thats so rude, you are honest and left a note and they go screw your car?

ahh I accidentally hit ydi but you totally don't sorry