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Padded out

By Ian - 18/04/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I had a surgery to remove a cyst from my butt. Afterwards, the doctor told me that the cyst was bigger than he initially thought, it would still secrete fluids for two weeks, and the best remedy for this was to wear a Maxi Pad. I'm a guy, and am currently wearing a Maxi Pad on my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 896
You deserved it 6 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

LMAO, nice. Imagine if someone heard you changing your pad in the bathroom... haha

How the hell do you get a cyst on your ass?


There's an obvious solution: just dont show off your ass... seriously...

I suppose a little bright note is that girls send their guys out the buy those things all the time, so no one will even look at you funny at the pharmacy/grocery store/wherever.

Thanks, I have a really nice image in my mind now

dedre 0

Hey fyi it happened to me too, though I never wore maxi pads, I just splurged on medical-grade gauze and medical tape (and went through a LOT of it)!

abcdefgh_fml 0

well now you know how a girl feels....i guess not including the cramps, bloating, and moodswings. but im sure a cyst is about equal to all of those right?! haha well good luck!

TryToBeKind 0

That really sucks, and there's no way you deserve it for having a medical procedure done. I hope your ass gets better soon.

lumberjack44 0

been there dude, but mine took a year and a half to heal, and they wanted me to get my college roommate to change the bandages for me. Little awkward taking pads to the bathroom with you when you share one with 100 other guys.

helen__fml 0

#27 nope. never heard of it

i had a cyst on my butt it actually is very trucking painful esspecially when you have to pull the gauze out a few days later... i had to wear a pad for a month. Its better then wearing a diaper or staining your whiteys

eeek! I am sorry to hear about that! I am a girl and did have a Pilondial cyst as well and it is very very painful, but different then a period pain. I am sorry for anyone who has to go through it. I opted to get mine lanced the first time, but the second time, I just let it do it's own thing, and took a lot of herbs in the meantime so that I wouldn't get an infection. It really really really helps to wash with pure glycerin soap, and dry that area VERY VERY well. That's what I have been doing and it's been over two years since I last had one. Good luck and feel better!