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Padded out

By Ian - 18/04/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I had a surgery to remove a cyst from my butt. Afterwards, the doctor told me that the cyst was bigger than he initially thought, it would still secrete fluids for two weeks, and the best remedy for this was to wear a Maxi Pad. I'm a guy, and am currently wearing a Maxi Pad on my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 896
You deserved it 6 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

LMAO, nice. Imagine if someone heard you changing your pad in the bathroom... haha

How the hell do you get a cyst on your ass?


chococool223 0

lol now guys know what it feels like!

OP- I know what you must be going through. I had a pilonidal cyst removal surgery (TWICE) however, I'm a girl so I have to deal with maxi pads anyway. I hope you recover nicely from your surgery!

I'd just like to say something... I am a completely different person...and this EXACT same situation is happening to me right now. The EXACT same thing.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#122: Who wants to feel superior to a man, we have to wear pads/tampons, it smells absolutely horrid and it feels horrible. You don't get used to shit like that, you deal. There is a difference. And what girl feels surperior to a guy for THAT reason. Oh yeah, blood comes out of my ****** I'm sooo much better than guys. Pshh yeah right. And this guy is mad he has to wear pads not because of the cyst. TBH I think he cares more about embarrasment than the cyst.

cursedbycatlady 0

I know how you feel--although I am a girl, I've had the same cyst for 2 years---I've had surgery twice and it still is there. Good luck my friend, btw--you dont have to wear a pad--that's really dumb--buy gauze at walmart and some medical tape--it works like a charm!!! hope you get better.

NOW YOU GET TO UNDERSTAND GIRLS PAIN. well, just how uncomfortable and annoying pads are. Ahh. I laughed reaaaalll hard.

lovelylady123 0

soon enough you can move on to tampons much better but it hurts the first time

boricua_4life407 5

That sucks But hey at least the pad will help... [hopefully*) good luck with everything! =]

This THE funniest fml I have ever read, lol.