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Padded out

By Ian - 18/04/2009 14:24 - United States

Today, I had a surgery to remove a cyst from my butt. Afterwards, the doctor told me that the cyst was bigger than he initially thought, it would still secrete fluids for two weeks, and the best remedy for this was to wear a Maxi Pad. I'm a guy, and am currently wearing a Maxi Pad on my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 896
You deserved it 6 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

LMAO, nice. Imagine if someone heard you changing your pad in the bathroom... haha

How the hell do you get a cyst on your ass?


I've had the same surgery OP had, twice. It failed the first time, so the wound stopped healing altogether after a year of constant maxi-pad wearing. I'm still recovering from the second surgery, and that was almost a year ago. Reading this FML made my day, in a depressing sort of way.

Colleeeeeen 0

'I'm a girl, and am currently wearing a maxi pad. And I'll have to do it every month for the next 30 years. FML' Anyway, get over it! :D It'll only be for 2 weeks and then that's it.

ok guys its not that bad i posted this it doesnt hurt and it doesnt even bleed that much anymore.

ljd123 0


thatsupergirl 0

R U KIDDING?? u r lucky that u only hav 2 wear one 4 a bit cuz us girls have to wear them for like a WEEK every sing MONTH!!!! and it will heal soon so just suck it up

stinebean 0

To all the girls crying about how they have their periods every month: get over it, you should be used to it by now and can't use that excuse for every instance that you want to feel superior to a man. I'm a girl and have regular periods, it's not a big deal. A cyst on my ass? Yes, I think I would bitch about that.

I had one of those! I couldn't sit anywhere for like a week before I finally got it checked out. I named it Jen.