Panic attack

By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, I went to donate blood for the first time. When they stuck the needle in my arm, I had a panic attack and begged that they take it out. The woman helping me told me she'd take it out in a moment and left. It was then that the Red Cross stole a pint of my blood while I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 738
You deserved it 18 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHA!! I'm a fan of any FML that says "the Red Cross stole a pint of my blood..." Good times.

proxay 0

i gave blood in novermber last year and i can faintly remember a clause in all that paperwork that said if at any time you change your mind about giving they will stop the procedure. it sucks that they did that to you. i hope it doesnt deter you from giving blood in the future. its for a good cause. and no. 6 you are a jerk : /


kshap313 0

#31 yeah panic attacks are very real. ive had to deal with them my entire life and its pretty shitty. anyway, im sorry that happened because i know how that would feel. I used to have panic attacks in elementary school and the school nurse would bear hug me (as i was getting dropped off) and told my mom to run. i ended up running away from that school on three seperate occasions just to remove myself from the situation. dont let ANYONE tell you they arn't real.

this_one_is_fake 0

fake panic doesn't attack the Red Cross will stop immediately if there is a problem

poolshark 0

#62, don't say "Indian-giver"; it's a racist term which devalued your otherwise agreeable post.

I don't get all the "why go if you will panic" ones....its a panic attack, you can't help them and they are pretty freaky when someone has one

Well good for the Red Cross. I bet if you weren't so busy complaining, you'd realize you should be happy they had the presence of mind to make you go through with it and you'd be proud of both them and yourself.

rcp90 2

I know how that goes when i donated blood and asked them to take the needle out they said it would be over in a minute.... while i sat their

woohooimchris 0

i would sue the lady who took your blood if I were you. You signed a contract and they disrespected it.

fml27 0

i feel ur pain... i went to donate for the first time and the lady i had wasnt very confident with small veins like mine. she stuck the needle in and said oops and then i noticed the pain. i told her to take it out and she said no its okay then started wiggling the needle around trying to get it in right.she ended up sticking through my vein several times. i continued to say ouch get it out until her supervisor came over and was like are you retarded she said take it out you take it out. then the lady got pissed because you have to go through a certain procedure when something goes wrong and she didnt know how to document it. to top that off later that week i realized the red cross never gave me back my license either...

Cormophyte 0

Personally, I have no respect for people who have panic attacks. Especially when the hard part is already over (if they got a pint that means it was already in and draining). There's a grip over there somewhere, it would make life a lot easier for the rest of us if you went over there and found it so we don't have to deal with your tantrums.