Panic attack

By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, I went to donate blood for the first time. When they stuck the needle in my arm, I had a panic attack and begged that they take it out. The woman helping me told me she'd take it out in a moment and left. It was then that the Red Cross stole a pint of my blood while I had a panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 731
You deserved it 18 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHA!! I'm a fan of any FML that says "the Red Cross stole a pint of my blood..." Good times.

proxay 0

i gave blood in novermber last year and i can faintly remember a clause in all that paperwork that said if at any time you change your mind about giving they will stop the procedure. it sucks that they did that to you. i hope it doesnt deter you from giving blood in the future. its for a good cause. and no. 6 you are a jerk : /


zander09 0
Herbal_fml 0

You didn't have a panic attack. Panic attacks are often mistaken for heart attacks. You obviously didn't think you were having a heart attack. You were just freaking out.

FYL that she left you while you were having a panic attack. But YDI for having a panic attack and saying that the Red Cross "stole" your blood.

YDI for being a whining bitch about it.

#30: Thank you for proving that you're an idiot by generalizing the entire US population. Proves you have never even read a text book, because then you would know that American's are one of the most diverse people on Earth, both physically and in our beliefs. Nice job idiot. And OP; I would totally be on your side if you hadn't tried to pull of the whole, "they stole my blood," story. They didn't steal it, they were doing their job, since you agreed to donate, and when you agreed to donate you agreed to do so knowing that the blood might go to a rapist as per your excuse, so get over yourself. And if you had actually been having a panic attack, they would've taken the needle out.

get over yourself. the firsst time i donated blood i was in high school, and they hooked me up to this diabolical-looking machine that only took my red blood cells (im 6'2" and 200 lbs, i can spare a few of em). the process took several hours for some reason. did i complain? nope. and believe me, having your red blood cells drained and then having the rest of the blood pumped back in is not very comfortable at all. the second time i donated, they missed the vein and dug around in my arm for it. once again, i was ok. you just wimped out.

The Red Cross doesn't steal blood, this may have been wrote in here, but I donate all the time. you sign paper work and volunteered to give your blood. You Obviously didn't read the paper work or you would have known, they weren't going to stop. and #70, they seperate Plasma.. not sure if that was what your meaning to say. anyway, I put YDI because you have no CLUE how to read paper work. Never sign anything until you have read EVERYTHING!!!!

uptown_girl 0

If you really had a panic attack, you wouldn't have been able to calm down and sit through the procedure. And I totally agree that too many people use "panic attacks" as a lame excuse for being scared/being a baby. I used to have really bad panic attacks when it came to simply drawing blood with a butterfly needle, and they'd have to get another nurse in the room to hold me down because I'd freak out. Then I had surgery and had to have all sorts of needles in me, and it pretty much helped me get over the attacks. I'm pretty sure if you freaked out like that, they wouldn't have just "left you". It's over with. So quit bitching.