Parents always know

By Anonymous - 07/08/2013 22:24 - Egypt

Today, my mum picked up a bunch of tissues that were scattered around my room. She examined them, then asked me to stop wasting her potential grandchildren. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 598
You deserved it 44 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you could've at least thrown them away or disposed of them.

I wonder how many billions of grandchildren she wants.


MermaidAnnariea 10

you know, at first i hit fyl... but really, ydi for not tossing the dirty tissues in the trash. that's pretty gross. it doesn't take much effort. so you deserved it.

moms are strange like that. you should just nervously laugh it off. it could have been worse...

well next time pick up after yourself OP! Leaving those tissues everywhere for your mom to pick up is nasty!

Well if you don't want her to say anything, clean up after yourself.

YDI for not picking up you're own mess! It's not your mom's job to pick up the tissues you just masterbated into.

don't jerk. off. pay for getting laid if you have too. but seriously man?

Yeah obviously the answer is never ********** (a normal human thing) and instead pay for sex which may or may not lead to STIs- as opposed to just, you know, putting your tissues in a bin.

It is also perfectly normal for people who have sex frequently to also **********, you know.

don't get on me. do you **********? grow up.

Is this a serious response? Grow up? I'm a grown woman with a long-term boyfriend and what I do or we do is our business and none of yours. You're 18 years old and think that a valid response to someone masturbating is honestly 'ew gross why don't you just get a hooker?'- this is retarded. Shut up and try commenting again when you have some life experience or maybe when you spend your whole McDonalds paycheck on hookers and have chlamydia and realize that it is not a real idea.

It's unreasonable to think that masturbating is wrong, and I have a hard time believing you don't. I think you're just being a troll.

your kidding me right? I could give a flying f*** what you and your boyfriend do. nigga masterbating is for pathetic freaks who can't get the real thing. sorry I feel bad for em. I feel bad for you too. I may be a little as* kid but I got a house and a girl. who I can provide for. I stand on my feet I may be a kid but I'm a grown as* man

alishous 8

I hope you're just a troll... if not, I really hope you don't reproduce.

"Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great, If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate" Clean up after yourself, you disgusting slob.

So, what about all the sperm that remain in a man's body and don't get used at all? By your logic, we should be constantly having sex so as not to waste any sperm?

You're not a Monty Python fan then, I take it?

No, 38 is obviously not being serous. He's referencing a song from a Monty Python movie about how Catholics don't use birth control.

Sir JizALot... Please stop cream-pieing charmin