People like who?

By howembarrasing - 19/04/2009 20:49 - United States

Today, I went to the sandcastle contest at my local beach. While waiting in line for a hotdog, a man cut in front of me and demanded a cup of water. I called him a jackass, saying how people like him give us a bad reputation at the beach. I then saw him running to his choking daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 758
You deserved it 86 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not your fault. He should of said "My daughter's choking!" or something. I would call the guy a jackass if he just cut in front of me.

This is F the daughter's life. Today I was at the beach eating a hot dog and I started choking. My father panicked. He ran away, and I assumed that he was going to find someone to help. He comes back with a cup filled with water. I died of asphyxiation. FML.


This is F the daughter's life. Today I was at the beach eating a hot dog and I started choking. My father panicked. He ran away, and I assumed that he was going to find someone to help. He comes back with a cup filled with water. I died of asphyxiation. FML.

meh, how were you to know? 11 - post wouldn't exist if shes not alive

Kickinchicken213 3

Not your fault. He should've said something but at the same time, I'm sure he wasn't really thinking about courtesy at that moment.

Chocking = water? what? that guy is dumb, and i would have done the same thing, he didn't say what he was doing first, anyone would call him a jackass if he didn't say anything.

Funnybunny_fml 3

it's people like you that give us a bad reputation on the beach. jack to the ass. some people are so thick

dnr928 0

that wasn't your problem. of course if there was someone ahead of you in line, and they had no problem with it, then it is. But maybe they saw the choking child. Which, there's a whole ocean... there's water. I'm not going to think too much into this one, as #4 already stated the biggest question in this FML.

sexyReDD 0

what do you mean theres a whole ocean, theres water? youre not supposed to drink salt water... which is what the ocean is made of.... smh

Wouldn't the man be screaming something like "Help, my daughter is choking!"? But still, calling him a jackass was uncalled for. Think before you speak bitch.

BillieJ 0

Why didn't he do the heimlich?

haleyneal 0

he might of not knrown how!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

qwertyuiop8989 0

sandcastle competition? what are you 12? Probably so based on your immaturity....