People will collect literally anything

By freaked out - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I discovered why my girlfriend is so obsessed with cutting my nails. She collects my clippings in a jar under her bed. She claims it will keep us together longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 139
You deserved it 2 677

Top comments


vic55jets 13

Weren't you already a little creeped out by the fact that she was obsessed with cutting your nails to begin with?

mintcar 9

That creepy moment when you stumble upon a jar of toe/finger nail clippings. That even more creepy moment when you realize it's yours. What's next? Hair? Your already chewed gum? RUN, OP.

spekledworf 18

Well I like to make sure my boyfriend's nails are clipped, but for a different reason...

Yea I definitely wouldn't stay with her it sounds like she's attempting to do some weird dark magic type stuff get out while you can op

Sounds like witchcraft! Run while you can!

citymayer 7

15 what does being cajun have to do with anything? Are you trying to refer to voodoo? And why stay away from spaghetti? I'm completely offended.

alicat72998 0

27- OP probably thought that she didn't like long fingernails. :p

lou_knee 6

It reminds me of a book of spells I read as a teenager that suggested to make a relationship last you should put your nail filings in the other person's food. Has she been cooking for you at all lately?

FirebirdF350 7

72, I like your chevelle, as for the OP, you should probably have a talk with your girlfriend if this closeness isn't the type 72 refers to

blcksocks 19

Or hide... Err.. But not under her bed.

I say run before she clips off your fingers and toes!

Break up with her. That's weird. Soon she will start collecting faeces and scabs

TheDrifter 23

But not yet. She sounds like my kind of freaky, and you don't want her stalking you.

Darkmagic666 9

I'm with two, Get the hell out of there

chickenflem 8

Yeah, I have candy, it's in my windowless van. Come inside and get some, i'm also giving out free puppies.

I always almost fall for the puppies :(

I love puppies and candy, do you promise it's not a trick?

dcg1375 7

How does that sound like a banshee?? Banshees wail extremely loud. They do not collect nail clippings.

Its not unreasonable for op's gf to be a banshee. Alberta is notorious for its high banshee counts as of recent. Scientists blame the stronger western Canadian economy but no one is quite certain how to explain the banshee boom

TheDrifter 23

Wait, they're banshees? I thought our women were just loud in the sack.

I shall give my Irish knowledge here. The banshee is a crying spirit who Usually warns people about death. When seen she is seen to be brushing her long hair with a comb. She's a messenger and does not bring death.

Pretty sure it will do the exact opposite XD

ArmedcrackerR6 8

That's just the collection you know about...

Yup she probably has a collections of your used condoms in her closet!!

51 somehow I think he might have noticed that one.

wildsweetchild 19

46 -exactly what I thought about after reading this fml..those two should pair up :) (for those who don't get it, it's a reference from the earlier fml)

pinkpixie06 11

Just a few more and she can perform her spell to ensure you stick around.

And then she will make a temple out of your nail clippings with a picture of you on top of it. Good luck with the creep, OP.