Please don't go

By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 23:08 - United States

Today, a girl called me, asking for one of her friends. She wouldn't believe me when I told her she had the wrong number, and I spent a few minutes convincing her she did. After a while she said, "What the fuck?" and hung up. That was the longest conversation I had with a girl in months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 463
You deserved it 9 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dukedj 0

Although we have all been there, you can't sit around moping about the fact that you don't talk to girls and they don't talk to you. If you like them so much, go ahead and find a girl that interests you and talk to them. You don't have to be looking for a relationship, just let her know that you are there and you can in fact talk.

YDI... Talk to girls! They don't usually bite!


baby_love 0

i agree with #51 plus, the more girls you talk to the less shy you'll be later on and you may even find someone that you really like what have you got to lose?

giorgi 0

don't listen to gypsycajun pal, you'll probably end up blowing it in the long run anyway. save yourself and the girl the pain and just stick to your career... and maybe get a nice attractive houseplant...

spoonboy 0

Reminds me of this:

boricua_4life407 5

Awwwwwe, that sucks. Just go out , things will work out soon enough! =] Good luck! :)

Loe_307 0
marathdamane91 2

yeha man most of girls are pretty cool as long as you actually make an attempt at talking to them instead of just pushing them away from you

this happened to me once but she didnt hang up we just started talking about where she's from and she looks like.

Lol, call her back and tell her to come on over.

she live in california and im from new york. holy crap thats long distance calls shit i think my bill was like a thousand bucks lol i dont pay the bills

prixxx 0