Please don't go

By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 23:08 - United States

Today, a girl called me, asking for one of her friends. She wouldn't believe me when I told her she had the wrong number, and I spent a few minutes convincing her she did. After a while she said, "What the fuck?" and hung up. That was the longest conversation I had with a girl in months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 463
You deserved it 9 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dukedj 0

Although we have all been there, you can't sit around moping about the fact that you don't talk to girls and they don't talk to you. If you like them so much, go ahead and find a girl that interests you and talk to them. You don't have to be looking for a relationship, just let her know that you are there and you can in fact talk.

YDI... Talk to girls! They don't usually bite!


dude, get out more, stop being so shy!

Shadydeals 0

I once was in a slump like that, and it sucked. Go put and don't be shy I seroiusly squandered a lot of my time just being to shy to talk to girls. I do it now and i've learned that most of them are shallow or batshit crazy, but theres always a few that aren't either one of those types.

so_phresh 0
CertifiedFresh 0
giorgi 0

you probably deserved it. i'm sure there's a reason you have no girls to talk to. man up, pussy.

Buddy, Girls are not as scary as you think. A few are mean, but most are very sweet, and you should try not to be intimidated by them, even the gorgeous ones. I am considered gorgeous by most people in today's arbitrary standards of beauty, but I never get asked out. In fact, most guys (except for cocky jerks) are afraid to strike up conversations with me. I have to act like a fool and flaunt my flaws to get guys to be relaxed enough to say a word to me. From experience, I can say that most girls would react positively if you talked to them, even ones that you consider "out of your league," even if you were super-awkward. Its endearing and it puts us at ease to when you are kind of awkward. Even if a girl rejects you if you ask her out, chances are you just made her friggen day. Just try it. Start with the smiley, funny girls, because you know for sure that they are nice. Good luck.

BleedingAssassin 0

Being what is considered "gorgeous" by the arbitrary standards set by today's society, I can tell you that girls that you probably think are out of your league would really not mind talking to you. I never get asked out because guys are scared shitless of me, and I have to flaunt my flaws so that they feel relaxed enough to look me in the eye. Just talk to us. Even alot of the really pretty ones are actually as sweet and maybe as shy as you are.