Please don't go

By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 23:08 - United States

Today, a girl called me, asking for one of her friends. She wouldn't believe me when I told her she had the wrong number, and I spent a few minutes convincing her she did. After a while she said, "What the fuck?" and hung up. That was the longest conversation I had with a girl in months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 463
You deserved it 9 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dukedj 0

Although we have all been there, you can't sit around moping about the fact that you don't talk to girls and they don't talk to you. If you like them so much, go ahead and find a girl that interests you and talk to them. You don't have to be looking for a relationship, just let her know that you are there and you can in fact talk.

YDI... Talk to girls! They don't usually bite!


same thing has happened to me too but it was through text messages and we went back and forth saying wrong number and she was like nah ah like 20 times

Epiphany1882 0

Maybe thats your "wake up" call. Get out more! Be social. It helps with life to have someone else to relate/talk to. Good luck :)

bostonxlights 0

i think i was that girl.. are you from new york? & is your name pete? im sorry if i was. if not, im an idiot..

YDI for being antisocial and doing nothing to change it, but being a whiny little bitch that random girls don't call YOU

This reminds me of my friend Manas Bajaj.

yankeeangel988 0

dude stop worrying, 51 was definitely right.... girls like it when a guy pays attention to them in A NICE WAY, and not in a creepy, i'll stalk you way. Just smile and talk to them and the more you do it the more confidence you'll have. = )

immafiremylaser 0

Patheticism is not FML worthy IMO.

ha damn sucks for you man

I'm sure there are girls out there that feel the exact same way you do, and would love for a nice guy to have a conversation with. You can't be rejected just by trying to talk to someone. Plus, a lot of girls feel like they get along with guys better than they do other girls. If you don't put yourself out there, and strike up a conversation, it's no different than complaining about never winning the lottery when you never buy any tickets.

LeftHanded_fml 0

Yo #12, **** off. Baseball is awesome. Americas ******* past time you retard.