By Anonymous - 16/09/2010 07:04 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 08:50 - United States
By slukaa - 13/06/2009 07:10 - United States
By skmusic - 09/04/2009 05:04 - Canada
By shinoza - 13/02/2009 15:02 - Malaysia
By Anonymous - 28/03/2009 20:18 - United States
Thanks dad…
By Anonymous - 26/09/2012 20:27 - United States - Fort Lauderdale
Please don't go
By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 23:08 - United States
One simple trick
By Anonymous - 07/02/2011 21:14 - United Kingdom
By Em - 15/10/2009 06:12 - France
Let down
By MoxyR12 - 24/06/2009 15:33 - United States
Top comments
woo first!
oh well. then dude you might as well ask her out already.
lol pocket dialing... I never fully understood how it's done. you lean, somehow pick that person and riiiing.
don't worry OP i gotten pocket dialed before. its actually kind of funny when you can hear them talking having their own conversation. as you're on the other line screaming trying to get their attention and they don't hear you haha. actually kind of reminds of "honey, i shrunk the kids" lol. you know?...when they are little and no one can hear them?.... >.
@4 I agree just call her up and ask her out. Seriously or text her when u guys text. Just say something like hey how you doing and just say i really like to go out with you sometime. And mention a place you would like to take her most likely some place you know she would be interested in and see what she says.
I guess his crush crushed his hopes.
Family guy FTW! Don't worry OP, don't give up yet.
that's sweet. shr saved u as speed dial!!
Be a man and call her! Tell her you her and you want to take your relationship to the next level! Don't be a
*prepares the hose* ... Oh, wait. Did you mean me or pendatik?
Heh. I actually used to have the nickname "Momma Hosebag." I don't recommend looking into the UD definition of that one— it's a long, strange story. ;)
what peace symbol?
14 - You do realize what booty-calls are and what you just said, right? Please tell me I'm right, I die a little inside every time I see a complete idiot on fml -__-
I think he needs some motovation
148 i do know what booty calls are and im sorry because im not one of thos complete idiots. I just say booty calls because i usually have the phone in my back pocket and when i sit down or something i call people on accident. DUMBASS. so before you want to call me an idiot ask me why i refer to it as bootycall. Thank you.
Wait, FFML_314? Isn't that Anna? One of the worse thread jackers ever back in the day? xD 148, 163, get a sense of humor, please.
Aha, okay. It's been months since I've been on. I thought you were serious. I was like woooow, things have changed.
That happened to me once, FYL
happened to me to
I wonder who she was skroggin' at the time? o.O Maybe your bestfriend? :O
oh wow...I bet you're the only person that's ever happened to in the history of cell phones.
Hahaha so true. I'm not sure that the OP needs to be whining about this.
nono, you don't understand. Pessimistic OP's crush didn't INTENTIONALLY call him, therefore, his life is f'ed, because now, even tho she txts him and has his number, so it's not like she hates him, because of one accident on her part, he'll never get the girl.
aw. got your hopes up over nothing, eh? it's happened to tons of people, anyway, so not worth a FML
maybe if she thought of you as a funner person she would want to call you. try and entertain her. women like to be excited

Did you get really excited and then go "awww" like Peter Griffin?
oh wow...I bet you're the only person that's ever happened to in the history of cell phones.