
By L…… - 01/06/2011 20:40

Today, the sewers in my town became overloaded. My basement is now filled with other people's poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 096
You deserved it 3 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you put a lifeguard stand in your basement, you can open a public pool for the hobos.

Gross. Well at least you have a huge toilet now :)


I'd bet you're not the only one with the problem, but still fyl.

FlyingLazerWALRU 0

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! FYL, no one deserves that. I hope you have lots of scented candles and whatnot.

WTF?!? you must be kidding, it's too gross to be true...

gabbygirll3 0

lol y do ppl think u deserve it ?

How do you know the poo belongs to other people unless you've checked it? (And how does one check?)

OP would of had to have taken a whole lotta ***** in a very short space of time for it all to be theirs...

dude oh my goodness! that sucks for you!! HAHA FYL!!

If you are connected to a city/town sewer line, and it backs up, get hold of your town/cities utility company, and file a claim. The only time that has happened to me with my basement, I put in a claim and had a company come out to clean it up, and paid for it, and the town then turned around and reimbursed me for the costs because their lines caused it to happen.

That's ****** up. >_< ^ Yeah, what mike said. FILE A CLAIM.