Potty drama

By NeverEndingBathtime_ - 03/08/2017 20:00

Today, my two year-old is being potty trained. He got the gist of it and actually did #1 and #2 in the potty and after our little celebratory dance, I went to get him a cookie (which took me two seconds). I come back to see him covered in shit and pee because he tried to go empty the potty himself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 748
You deserved it 1 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

At least he tried. Can't fault him for that.

Koios 30

You could say that, but probably shouldn't


Gwengreen 6

From the terrible twos to the terrible ewwws.

Lobby_Bee 17

Your son is missing a few lessons between going potty and cleaning up after yourself.

Sounds like you're raising an independent little boy, that's awesome!

Bubbles77777 11

I'm not criticizing anyone's parenting as I am not a parent myself, but leaving a toddler unattended with an un-flushed toilet probably wasn't the wisest idea

Hey, he at least tried cleaning up after himself. You have to give him some credit. lol