
By Anonymous - 03/05/2013 21:00 - Germany

Today, I overheard my boyfriend admitting that he's only dating me because having me around "sucks a bit less than fucking my own hand". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 798
You deserved it 5 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

Time for him to go back to wanking then, isn't it?


You deserve someone that cherishes you. Please leave now and start your search.

That's awful. Drop his sorry ass and find somebody who cares about you.

hellox3howlow 17

A piece of advice: if you're a guy who goes around preaching to girls that their boyfriends are assholes and that they left you in the "friend zone", they're not going to want to date you.

hellox3howlow 17

I feel like he only said that just to seem "cool" in front of them. But you should probably get another boyfriend that respects you and wouldn't say things like this to others. And if he really means it, you should date someone that truly appreciates you.

Seems everyone has overlooked the possibility that OP is just a lousy lay. Just sayin'.

I hope now he's an ex... He isn't worth your time and deserves to have just his hand

I would've thought you'd suck more than his hand

You depress me, OP. That sentence should have started, "Today, I overheard my ex-boyfriend admitting..."