
By Anonymous - 03/05/2013 21:00 - Germany

Today, I overheard my boyfriend admitting that he's only dating me because having me around "sucks a bit less than fucking my own hand". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 798
You deserved it 5 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

Time for him to go back to wanking then, isn't it?


At least you know you're good in bed :)

You heard that he doesn't appreciate you...... And you are still calling him boyfriend because....?

Dump him, cut off his hands! Suffer >:)


but you said you dated jerks so at one point you were attracted to them... given you did change that and ended up with a kind person, congrats by the way, it still does not disprove the original statement.

Looks like he'll be back to using his hands!

Buy him a blow up doll. Then leave him. You deserve better.

brittlehorn20 21

91: not all guys act like jerks from the get go.

WOW, YDI. Because you didn't say "ex-boyfriend" you deserve what ever he gives you