
By Anonymous - 24/07/2014 09:05 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, I got fired from my job. Why? Apparently, taking 10 minutes to take a shit is too long for some people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 711
You deserved it 8 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"fly by ***** are the only thing allowed around here!"


What if OP has IBS or something similar? You can't rush pooping when you have IBS, trust me.

thrlyrist 6

I have an issue where I can't go when there is noise / are people in the washroom. It takes me like 5 min when I have the washroom to myself, but sometimes when there are many people coming and leaving it might take me 20. That's why I hate going at work.

I usually take 30-45 minutes per dump. I feel for you. :(

10 minutes/day, is 43h a year, that they are paying you to poop

You could probably try to fight that, OP. At my job we work at an inbound call center and in order to take calls we have to set our status to "Available" and calls automatically come through. To use the restroom we must set ourselves to "Away From Desk". Available time is measured and so is Away From Desk time, and for the longest time I had trouble using the restroom because (FYI this may be TMI for some people, you have been warned) I used to have really unhealthy eating habits and would regularly get constipated, which caused me to use the restroom improperly (contracting muscles) which ultimately led to hemorrhoids. I kept quiet about them for a long time (it was embarrassing) until my supervisor mentioned to me privately I was sitting on a promotion but they didn't feel comfortable giving it to me because my Available time was too low and my Away From Desk was too high. At that point I came clean about my situation, and didn't regret it because turns out the supervisors assumed I was doing what everyone else does - take advantage of the Away From Desk time to go have a cigarette, or even talk on the cell phone in the bathroom. I went through HR and everything, and also finally sought medical treatment and got a doctor's note in addition to changing my eating habits. The medicine helped me with my pain and I was able to improve my Available time all the while decreasing my Away From Desk time. I got the promotion. :) Not sure if you have issues like I have throughout the years, OP, but nonetheless I would try to fight that. They may end up working with you like my job did. Good luck. :)

10 minutes? I take 5 minutes because I eat like crap, and even I think that 5 minutes is too long.

Somehow methinks this is a constant problem and you're taking many 10 minute ***** a day. You wouldn't be fired for doing it once. Tell the whole story, not your "pity me" version for cheap votes