
By Anonymous - 24/07/2014 09:05 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, I got fired from my job. Why? Apparently, taking 10 minutes to take a shit is too long for some people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 711
You deserved it 8 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"fly by ***** are the only thing allowed around here!"


Had a roommate that used to come home on his lunch break to take his daily 20 minute shit. Bathroom was unusable for at least an hour after. My only question is wtf are you people eating?!

PassiveAggresive 12

"Must be able to crap in 2 minutes or less"

Yeah that is a bit long. but not grossly so.

OhNoAGhost 18

If your restroom breaks are being timed to that extent, it's probably time for a career change, anyway.

it's not unless you got caught with newspaper.

It takes me like 2 minutes to do that at work

That is a pretty long time to be in the bathroom. You should have waited until your break. I'm sure if you desperately needed to shit, you would have been less than 10 minutes.

NemusKiller 5

In bootcamp I had 5 minutes to shit & bath... So get yourself together OP

thejimler 9

You shouldn't shit in your bathwater, that's just unhygienic.