By ColoredPencil13 - 10/05/2014 13:35 - United States - Baytown

Today, my mom made a Facebook post about me starting my period and for everyone to be nice to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 117
You deserved it 4 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some parents just shouldn't use social networks.

AnthonyWheeler15 24

That's embarrassing, sorry OP!


that has to be embarrassing. good luck with that.

We didn't have social networking when I started mine, but my mother called up all her friends to tell them. I was so pissed off at her. Why is it anyone else's business but my own? I only told her because it was my first time. I stopped speaking to her for days. At 12 it's hard enough without it being announced to the whole world. I don't get why she wanted to embarrass me to this day, and it's been 15 years.

I've never understood why some mothers feel the need to do that. I was embarrassed enough when my mom told my dad, but when I hear stories like that, I'm really glad he was the only one she told.

RedPillSucks 31

Maybe they weren't trying to embarrass you. Maybe they were just excited

I fully sympathise. My mother announced it to everyone she knew. When you're a quiet 11 year old who is trying to deal with the onset of puberty, bitchy adolescent girls, and everything in school from math to sport, the last thing you want is for all and sundry to know that you have your period. Thank goodness there was no Facebook back then!!!

Omg I totally laughed at this!! know the feeling been there done that... ヅ

and you made it international! congratulations!

things will get better for you :) my mom did something like that to me... except she called everyone in my family to let them know.I feel your pain.

kristena103 14

Oh Deary, I feel for you. That sucks! :(