By ColoredPencil13 - 10/05/2014 13:35 - United States - Baytown

Today, my mom made a Facebook post about me starting my period and for everyone to be nice to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 117
You deserved it 4 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some parents just shouldn't use social networks.

AnthonyWheeler15 24

That's embarrassing, sorry OP!


"Then don't say anything at all" is how I think a phrase similar to that finishes.

That's embarrassing. Just tell your mom what stuffs shouldn't be posted in facebook. Maybe she thought it was okay because normally at get together adults usually talk about bedroom and feminine stuffs.

All I can think of is the part from Something About Mary... WE GOT A BLEEDER!

Its okay, when I first got my period my mom called everyone in my family and told everyone. -.-

RedPillSucks 31

Her way of celebrating/announcing that you were officially a "woman"

#80 LOL that's exactly what my mum said when she told me why she did it!

are you related to the girl who's mother walked around her school telling students the same thing about her daughter?

Maybe someone will be willing to lend u a ton of pads and tampons as sympathy ?