Quote of the day

By lol - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was making breakfast. My microwave door was already open, but I couldn't figure that out so I kept pressing the button. According to Einstein, I'm now insane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 206
You deserved it 30 849

Top comments

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Insane? No. Total ****** idiot? Yes.


Dallyni 22

How do you not see that the microwave is open?

CallMeMcFeelii 13
perdix 29

Did you press it 3 or 4 more times? That doesn't make you insane, it just means you haven't fully woken up. If you pressed it thousands of times for hours, you need to make a pancake and marry it.

I don't think he/she would be able to make a pancake if they can't even properly work the microwave.

perdix 29

Sometimes people can operate old-timey gadgets when they can't deal with newfangled goobledygook! If not, they can head on down to IHOP and buy one, they sell many fine, young, marriageable pancakes there!

GoW_Chick 14

And all you have to do is trade 2 pieces of bacon for that fine, young, marriageable, pancake!

Or one waffle and a handful of syrup...

perdix 29

#105, good choice on the breakfast meat. Had you gone with sausages, we have to go all Freudian on your ass!

bubo_fml 10

Congratulations! Knowing that your off your konker is the 1st step to recovery! Now, try this breathing exercise: 1) Inhale. 2) Exhale. If you mess this one up, you're probably unconscious & unable to finish reading this sent...zzz

-37 I have to ask. Does your name refer to the cute little owl in the original "Clash Of The Titans"? Because it really upset me that he barely got a cameo in the new one. :(

Birdie_Sage 0

According to me, you need to get your eyes checked.