Rah rah rah

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I realised in the middle of my shift how useless my deodorant is in the stifling heatwave spreading through my country. It's no longer effective against my awful B.O., which is a problem because I'm a mascot, and my costume traps the smell inside like a portable toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 542
You deserved it 5 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't breathe through your nose and you won't be able to smell it at least. As for the others, I hope the costume allows you to remain anonymous...

If he breaths through his mouth he might just start tasting it instead. I know from experience...


That's unfortunate. I remember when I used to march that I'd have to wear several layers of different deodorant. Ridiculous, isn't it? XD

Woot woot! Band geeks unite! I actually was in a pep ban today. Being in upstate New York on a frigid January afternoon, I wish I had more layers -_-

I'm in Texas, so I'm always hoping for a few less layers. XD

wombatred26 8

I'm female and I have to wear men's deodorant cause women's deo just deo-n't work for me . . . Maybe you need to try the other kind?

I used to have the same problem until I started using Dove deodorant. Ever since then I've been using Dove, plus they have different scents and smell really good. :)

No way. I've been stuck at my aunts house more than a couple of times, where all there was, was "secret". Being that I either had the option of smelling like a rotting corpse, or "flowery springy not ballsack", I chose the latter, and I must say, women's deodorant is a lot stronger than men's. or at least the stuff I use(old spice).

peachesncreem 21

Better buy some new deodorant OP. Tomorrow is going to be another stinkin' hot day.

perdix 29

Maybe you should stuff your costume with those industrial-strength urinal cakes and liquid toilet deodorizers. Those work "so well" with Port-a-Potties!

Perdix, I haven't been on this site in over 2 years. I just came back randomly & noticed your comments everywhere. Why are you still on here all day, everyday, making over 16k comments. That is so sad. Don't you have people to talk to in real life?!

Kallian_fml 21

On the bright side, at least you're still able to get to work. My local train tracks have buckled in this ridiculous heat, causing me to almost die in an attempt to bike to work.

myklknife 6

Thai deodorant stones. They work.

I have those but when I work in the sun, i would have to add my other deoderant for extra protection due to swear

perdix 29

You might want to get a job with some dignity. No chemical can overcome the Stench of Shame.

perdix 29

Yes, you can always lye to yourself. It's called denial.

I was referring to sodium hydroxide...