Rave on

By poorclubgoer - 14/11/2009 10:11 - United States

Today, I decided to go to a club with my friends. I was flattered when an attractive guy started dancing with me. Later, I went to grab my money to pay for my dinner and realized while dancing, the very sneaky man pulled my forty dollars out of my pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 695
You deserved it 5 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments


swimchica22 0


Honey, didn't your friends tell you to stuff it down your bra?

swimchica22 0
evanwilliams 4

Well that's what you get for being a ******.

nice. i hope you fall down the stairs and break your neck. just sayen.

thighsofglory 0

That is too bad for you, and I mean that sincerely. Next time you should put your money in your shoe. Better it's a little damp than missing.

driedpeaches 0

"the very sneaky man" yeah... you're gay

You obiously didn't notice that this was posted by a guy so yea I think he's gay

What, you thought you were getting that for free?

stephi0629 0

thats why i keep my money in my bra at all times =]

OP is a guy, i dont think guys wear bra.

Cher_GaGa 0

Dude if it were me I would have went back and found him and kicked his bitch ass tail! and if he was gone I would have probly kicked someone elses ass!! lol jk

as I said YouTube comment system will work very well here... drags all this first loving retards to the botom to wallow on their computer that they lost against the Internet.