
By creditwhore - 24/02/2010 19:13 - United States

Today, I decided to apply for a credit card to help build up my credit rating. It seemed smart since I'm a 24 year-old college graduate. I was rejected for not having a credit history. Being rejected turns out to hurt your credit history. The irony of my predicament is too great for words. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 655
You deserved it 2 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand this at all. Credit Card companies used to have people on my college campus all the time because, since most of us didn't have a credit history, it was easier to get credit cards. Here's my advice. Open up a secured line of credit with your bank. You give them a certain amount of cash, and they put it on a card for you. That card works like a credit card on your credit score, but you don't get into crazy debt over it. It's prepaid.

Depending on who you're banking with you can get this card that is sort of your training wheels for the future. You put 200$ in an account then they give you a card with a 200$ limit to use. If you use this card correctly they will then give you a full fledged credit card. Look into it, it sucks but in the end it's worth it.


Too great for words, and yet... Here we are.

joe_uncool 0

I'll just reiterate what many people have said already: get a secured card from your bank and make sure you pay it off every month. after some time, they will refund your deposit and you'll have a great looking account on your credit report.

rasellersjr 0

credit, spellchecker misinterperated a typo

they have student cards with mad interest rates for people like you with no credit, though I wouldn't use them for much. I kinda want to put ydi for not having a credit history at 24, that's awfully old not to realize how important credit scores are. I started buildin mine when I was 17. still, bad credit is better than no credit and you can build a little just by paying off your student loans.

Inuyasha1770 0

got to love the dumbass rules people in charge make.

richboii 0

dude im 14 and iv had credit card companies mistakenly send me credit card applications in the mail. Fyl

Why are you starting so late I am nineteen and I already have some credit history

Splayd 10

That's not irony. That's just poor management.